Mailbutler - Email Productivity Extension

Mailbutler is an email productivity extension designed to enhance the functionality of email clients like Apple Mail, Gmail, and Outlook. It offers features such as email tracking, scheduling, task management, and customizable signatures to improve email communication and organization.

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Mailbutler - Email Productivity Extension


Mailbutler - Email Productivity Extension


Mailbutler is an email productivity extension designed to help users manage their email communications more efficiently. It integrates seamlessly with popular email clients like Apple Mail, Gmail, and Outlook, providing a range of features that enhance email functionality and productivity.


Email Tracking

Mailbutler allows users to track emails to see when and where messages are opened. This feature is particularly useful for sales and marketing professionals who need to follow up on leads.


Users can schedule emails to be sent at a later time, which is perfect for planning email campaigns or ensuring messages are sent at optimal times.

Smart Task Management

Mailbutler includes task management tools that allow users to create to-dos and reminders directly from their inbox, helping them stay organized and on top of their workload.


The extension provides customizable email signatures to ensure consistent and professional communication.

Notes and Templates

Users can add notes to emails and create templates for frequently sent messages, saving time and maintaining consistency in communication.

How to Use Mailbutler

  1. Installation: Download and install the Mailbutler extension from the official website or the relevant app store for your email client.
  2. Integration: Connect Mailbutler with your email account by following the on-screen instructions during setup. This usually involves granting permissions for Mailbutler to access your email account.
  3. Configuration: Customize your Mailbutler settings, including tracking, scheduling, and signature preferences.
  4. Utilization: Start using the features by composing emails, setting tasks, and managing your inbox more effectively with the tools provided.


Mailbutler is a powerful tool for anyone looking to enhance their email productivity. With features like email tracking, scheduling, task management, and customizable signatures, it offers comprehensive solutions for managing email communications. By integrating seamlessly with popular email clients, Mailbutler makes it easy to stay organized and efficient.